A Bathroom Floor in Sellersville Looks Stunning After Our Grout Sealing Service
October 07, 2024
A homeowner in Sellersville, PA, could feel comfortable in her bathroom after noting a major change in the floor's appearance. Specifically, the grout's color had changed so drastically that it made the floor look darker and the rest of the room smaller. She did what she could to keep the ceramic tiles stain-free, but that wasn't enough to make the grout blend in with its surroundings.
Soon after making the decision to hire a professional, the homeowner came across Sir Grout Bucks PA online and started reading about our restoration process. She felt even more confident after reading dozens of positive reviews, many of them describing our work on bathroom surfaces. Making a decision was ultimately a lot easier than what she'd expected going in, so she filled out the form to contact our grout sealing service in Sellersville that same day, right after completing her research.
Our techs arrived at her house on the scheduled date for an in-home evaluation, and they were immediately led to the hallway bathroom. As the client had explained beforehand, the ceramic tile floor looked clean and hygienic overall, but the dark gray grout managed to overshadow everything else. The sealant had faded from the grout lines, so there was nothing standing between the porous surface and the harsh ingredients in chemical cleaners. Moreover, any specks of dirt landing on the grout were likely to get embedded on top because of it.
This was the main reason why regular cleaners kept failing the homeowner during her cleaning routine. Our specialists offered to use their own equipment on the floor, including acrylic-based sealant to enhance the grout's protection against external elements. The client was grateful for their offer and asked them to return later that week for the restoration.
Following her request, our crew returned to the house a couple of days later. Once inside the bathroom, they deep cleaned the surface with a non-toxic formula that allowed them to scrape off the dirt. They also ran a high-speed scrubbing machine to make more progress in less time.
For the next step, our experts sealed the grout as per the client's preference. She wanted the grout to match the tiles so the entire floor could resemble the bathroom's pristine white furniture. To meet her request, our techs used Sir Grout's flagship ColorSeal, a powerful sealant that offers multiple color options to match any setting. On top of giving your floors the ultimate makeover, our sealant provides lasting protection against external agents, including water, soap, mold, grime, mildew, and all the dirt that's carried via foot traffic. It's the surest way to consistently improve your cleaning results.
Our crew showed off the results after buffing the floor one final time. As expected, the client loved the grout's look and remarked on how our services were everything she'd hoped for and more. She thanked our specialists for their services and promised to contact us again whenever she wanted to revamp her tile and grout surfaces.
When our crew offered to share some additional cleaning tips, the homeowner welcomed their input right away. She asked about options to replace the cleaners in her cupboard, and they recommended Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner, stating that pH-neutral products are the best way to prevent the corrosion of residential surfaces. Traditional cleaners not only subject the grout to harsh ingredients that ultimately weaken the sealant; they also do a subpar job of removing all the embedded dirt on harder-to-reach surfaces, making the process more exhausting and frustrating. Our cleaner guarantees amazing results, so you can preserve the natural color of your floors after weeks of foot traffic. It's also free of toxic fumes, so you can clean your bathroom area without worrying about affecting its overall hygiene.
Our techs also listed a series of simple steps to prevent the effects of moisture buildup. First, they recommended using non-abrasive tools to wipe out any liquid residue on the floor since that's imperative to stop the growth of mold. Then, they reminded the client to leave the bathroom door ajar if she felt like the room wasn't getting enough fresh air. You can make a big difference in your home's air quality without adding any extra steps to your cleaning routine: just remember to open the windows and doors throughout the day. You'll have a safer environment, and routine cleaning will be simpler, with no stains getting sticky on the floor.
The specialists at Sir Grout Bucks PA have impressed countless homeowners in Sellersville, PA, with the quality of their hard surface restoration services. We know that bathroom surfaces can collect a lot of damage in little time, so we've tailored our process to protect your floors and shower for a long time. Want to learn more? Just call (215) 709-8125 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.